Do you see it? Do you? Up there at the top of the photo is my very own flour wand! Many thanks to L. for bringing it for me from the States!
I actually wasn't too thrilled about making these. Crackers. Great. Who wants to make crackers? While I'm still not convinced about these, and am not sure that I will make them again, they were pretty tasty considering.
I made these the same day I made the Kaiser Rolls, but had started the Kaiser Rolls first before starting on the Lavash Crackers, so technically they are still in order, even though the crackers were done before the Kaiser Rolls. (An aside: I did find a Kaiserbrötchen here- at Kaiser's no less! Apparently they do exist!)

Here is the dough shortly after kneading. I hand kneaded for this one, something I very rarely do, since I love watching the dough spin round and around in the DLX.

I placed the dough in a square 1L container for the first rise since there was so little of it. This is what came out.

I cut the dough into four pieces over two pans for easier handling. If I'm going to cut these apart anyways, it won't matter what the dough looks like before I bake it, no?
When I was in college, I couldn't get any decent tortillas, so I used to make my own. When I first got to Germany, I couldn't find any tortillas at all, so I used to make my own. Luckily, most markets sell them nowadays, but rolling out tortillas really made a difference in my rolling skills. Unfortunately shaping still leaves something to be desired, as my tortillas are only indistinguishable from the cracker dough above by color.

I decorated with dried basil, paprika, caraway seeds, and popyseeds, though not necessarily in that order.

The other two were decorated with black pepper and sea salt, as well as Herbes de Provence with sea salt. Those were cut into strips instead of broken apart.

Though I wasn't too thrilled with the crackers, they were pretty good.

Even the crumb was awesome. Haha. What kind of a post would this be without a crumb shot?

I'm torn about this recipe. While the crackers certainly were good, it just seemed like a lot of work compared to the results. Maybe I'm just biased because I expect a piping hot loaf of bread to come out of the oven whenever I work with though.
Don't get me wrong, though... I thought these were pretty good. It's just that in case I make them again, I'll be tripling the batch. Just to get my time and work's worth. Oh, and the taste? Well, we ended up eating the entire batch in one sitting for a spontaneous dinner. Eggplant caviar, mustard, and cheese served as accompaniments.
I am actually behind on reading posts, so no links this time!
Thanks again to Nicole from Pinch My Salt for the Challenge.
LOL...LOVED the crumb shot! I was underwhelmed by this recipe, for sure. But hey, it's behind me now! Great job with your lavash crackers Daniel.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think, I can make bread, great bread, why am I making crackers????
ReplyDeleteShoot. Does this mean I have to get a dough wand now? I'm thinking I may make the wrap version of lavash when I get to this recipe. hmmm.
ReplyDeleteHa! Great crumb shot! And I'm with you on the crackers... yawn.
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way about these crackers. They tasted good, but you can buy so many great crackers these days, so why bother baking your own? I loved your crumb shot!!
ReplyDeleteI love love love the crumb shot.:D
ReplyDeleteI've made really, really good crackers before, but these were not the really, really good ones. lol. Love how yours look, though. And yes, the crumb shot is very fun.